‘The Flash’ Recap: Family of Rogues

The Flash 203: Family of Rogues
By Bobby Doherty @thehorndogg

Barry is in his lab when his phone rings. He answers it to find out its Iris and she needs his help. Iris is being shot at, Barry convinces her to jump out the window of the building. Just as she does Barry runs up side of the building and catches her. Once she is safe Barry disarms and knocks out the men. Iris was investigating a real estate scam.

We are now back at STAR labs with Cisco, Jay, Caitlin and Barry they are staring at wormhole. Professor has left his bed to help figure out how to use the breach to get Jay back home. Barry believes it may take a speedster to run through the breach. He runs in it and fails. Professor and Jay think it’s the breach needs to be stabilized. Once stabilized they think it can be used as a speed cannon between worlds


Joe and Francine (Iris’ Mom) are at a bar. We find out that Joe has told everyone that her mother was dead. Joe attempts to pay her off to leave. Francine doesn’t want to go.

Barry runs into Patty in the coffee shop. They have another awkward flirty moment. We find out that Barry has a coffee named after him now too. Cisco while doing an impression of the professor runs into Lisa Snart. She says she needs their help that Captain Cold has been kidnapped. Back at STAR Labs Lisa explains to Flash why she believes her brother has been kidnapped. Lisa tells Flash he owes her brother. Cisco when rebuilding the gun figured out a way to track it based on the cold signature. They locate Captain Cold and Barry runs to save him. Barry find Cold in a office stealing plans. Cold assures Barry he hasn’t been kidnapped. Barry then gets startled by a noise and Cold freezes him. We find out the man making the noise is Cold’s dad. Cisco saves Barry by heating up his suit with a new upgrade that he added.

Barry is back at STAR now telling Lisa that her brother isn’t kidnapped that he’s doing jobs with their father. Lisa doesn’t believe that her brother is working with their dad. Lisa shows some scars because her father use to beat them when they were kids. She runs off, Cisco follows to comfort her. Lisa tells Cisco the story about how her father beat her. She tells Cisco that if Colds with her dad that he’s in major trouble.

Joe goes to Iris office looking to tell her about her mother while there Iris finds out her story has made the front page. Joe decides not to tell her and let her enjoy her first cover story.

Barry finds Cold in a bar. Barry starts to question what Cold is up to. Cold reminds Barry of their deal and says if Barry does anything everyone will know who the Flash is. Barry isn’t worried about Cold he’s worried about the father taking life. Just as Cold sticks Barry with the bill for his meal Joe calls.

Barry and Joe are back at Joe’s. Joe confesses to Barry that he has lied all these years about Iris’s mother. Joe admits to lying because Francine did everything wrong her whole life. Barry tells Joe that he made the right decision that who knows how Iris would have turned out if Francine was in her life. Barry thinks Iris can handle the news

Cold, his father and a man are in a room making a plan to rob a building. Cold is trying to convince his dad they don’t need to take lives. In the middle of explaining the plan Cold and the third man get in an argument. Cold’s dad doesn’t like this and uses some explosive device planted in the man’s head and blows him up.

Joe, Barry and Spivot are investigating a man without a head. They ID the man and link him to Cold and his father. Joe and Barry walk off and figure out the only reason Cold is helping his father is to protect Lisa, his sister.

Jay and Caitlyn are in STAR labs. Jay is working on stabilizing the breach. Jay is having a hard time adjusting not having his speed. Caitlyn convinces Jay that him as a physicist is just as special as him as a superhero. Jay ask Caitlyn to help him with the breach. She agrees but gets pulled away by Cisco. Cisco is examining Lisa and they find traces of thermite on her skin. The same explosive used earlier.

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Joe is now at his houses explaining to Iris that her mom was a drug addict. That her mother had put Iris’s life in danger when she was young. Joe had put Francine in a rehab center but Francine ran away. Joe couldn’t find her so she told everyone she died. Joe tells Iris that her mother is alive and is in Central City and wants to meet her. Joe breaks down Iris says she understands that Joe was just trying to keep her safe.

Barry and Caitlin are trying to extract the bomb from Lisa. Cisco makes them stop because the bomb with explode if it comes in contact with air. Barry decides they need to figure out what the plan is with the Cold and his father. Barry is going to work his way into being the new tech guy on the heist.

Cold and Barry are talking when Cold’s dad interrupts them. Barry convinces him to let him in as the tech guy. The crew is now in the building, Barry uses his speed to knock out some guards and then again to unlock the keypad. Once the door is open Cold’s dad shoots Barry. Barry is lying on the floor and Cold apologises. We find out that Barry used his speed to catch the bullet and played like he got shot. Cold uses his gun to freeze the lasers. He’s dad cracks the safe. They are stealing diamonds. Cisco has a plan to use an airgun to suck the bomb out. Cold’s dad threatens to kill Lisa if Cold doesn’t shoot Barry. Once Barry confirms the bomb is out Cold turns the gun on his dad and kills him. Barry takes the gun from Cold.

Barry is now visiting Cold in Iron Heights. Barry says there’s good in Cold. Cold assures Barry he will be seeing him soon. Joe is there with Barry and thanks him for the advice with Iris.

We have another awkward flirt moment between Spivot and Barry at the coffee shop. Cisco and Lisa are outside the coffee shop. Lisa kisses Cisco.

Back at STAR labs the speed cannon is complete. Caitlyn is trying to convince Jay not to go back. Jay says he will stay till they figure out what zoom is up to. Professor has a flame on moment. His flame turns blue and he passes out. The team goes to stablize him

Later that night we are back in the lab looking at the Speed Cannon and out walks Wells……

To find out my thoughts on the show please tune into DC on CW where my co-hosts Ryan Denton, Angelica Dawn and I will review The Flash, Arrow and eventually Legends of Tomorrow. If you enjoy my writing come over to the show and listen. We are DC on CW

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