Suicide Squad: All Hype?


Suicide Squad: All Hype?

Even though I am the man behind most of the DC related content on our network I try to go into these screenings with an open mind on what I really want from a film and not be the DC fan boy. I wasn’t able to here. I was beyond hyped for the film. The marketing made me believe that they could actually pull off introducing so many characters in so little time and make you believe in them. Unfortunately for me Suicide Squad had all the hype but in the end couldn’t live up to it.

Will Smith, and Margo Robbie are the movie. They bring two legendary DC characters to life and by the end of the movie you believe they are Deadshot and Harley Quinn. They are the two members of the Squad who get the most screen time and it is rightfully deserved. They both have a strong presence on screen and you can see why they are stars. The movie does give Rick Flagg, El Diablo and Amanda Waller good minor story arcs that help fill in spaces between the Deadshot and Harley scenes.

I think my major issue with the movie is I felt they had too many main characters in the movie with nothing to do and a very forgettable villain. They could have easily cut two or three of the squad out of the film and had a much tighter stronger movie. Some of the major characters were just there in the background and could have easily been replaced by “solider #2”. They served little purpose to advance anything in the plot.


As for that villain who was never show in the promotional material (for good reason), there was zero believable motivation for the villain to be doing what they were doing and by the end I was rooting for the squad just to end it because I didn’t care.

Overall I liked the movie enough to tell everyone to go see it and form your own opinion. I felt weird after the screening because I felt like I was in the minority on the way I felt. I can say you will not find me back in the theater for a repeat viewing. I will be waiting for the digital copy to come out.

Other Thoughts/Details:

Joker: I am on the fence about Jerod Leto’s Joker. He was creepy but that creepy may have the potential to become annoying with more screen time. The Harley and Joker relationship was good to see on the screen but I’m not sure if the toxic nature of how they act towards each other was pushed enough in the movie.

Batfleck: Strong performance again by Ben in the cowl.

Comic References: There are at least 3 scenes that I absolutely lost my shit over because they remade classic comics shots in the movie. I don’t want to spoil them but they made me very very happy.

Timeline: Movie takes place after Batman V Superman

Suicide Squad is from Director David Ayer (Fury) takes the helm for this Warner Bros. production adapted from the DC Comics series about a group of super-villains who are given a shot at redemption by embarking on a heroic mission that will most likely mean the death of them all. Dan Lin produces from a script by Justin Marks. Opens nation wide August 5th.