Lady Toni Bevell’s True Intentions – And What if Rufus…


Lady Toni Bevell’s True Intentions – And What if Rufus–

Lady Bevell seemed to be channelling a little bit of Jack Bauer this past episode, her interrogation methods seemed to be a bit extreme for someone who should be on the same team.

It just takes a moment to realize that over the years the Winchesters have no doubt pissed off a lot of people. Their methods have been questioned by numerous parties since they were first introduced to the world in 2005. So what are Bevell’s true intentions?

The Torture of Sam Seemed Personal – Does She Harbor Resentment

  • The way Lady Bevell behaved these last two episodes leads me to believe that there is much more going on with her than just her duty. The torture of Sam seemed to be more personal than some obligatory duty she has to the Men of Letters.
  • If she’s been watching the Winchesters, like she said, then she knows first hand the amount both have sacrificed, I find it hard to believe that she’s able to block out all the good just because they’ve made a half dozen or so mistakes.
  • Could there be a personal twist? Has Sam and Dean done something to impact Bevell’s life in some negative way? At one point she even mentioned Ruby and Benny. Is there a connection?

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The Bella and Rufus connection

  • The Bella and Rufus connection that was shared with us from members of the Fandomnatural group on Reddit is another possibility. Of course this is me over-thinking the episode, but this call back would be absolutely amazing–don’t pretend you’re not nodding your head in agreement.

Here’s a snippet from the transcript of the episode 3.15 ‘Time Is on My Side’ where Bella is first mentioned:

DEAN So, Bela…
RUFUS (By now quite drunk) Hotel Canaan. Room 39. But watch your back.
DEAN I think I can handle Bela.
RUFUS Oh, don’t be so sure about that. There are things that you don’t know about her.
DEAN Oh, and you do? Right. Because you know things.
RUFUS (Superior) Yep.
DEAN And let me guess…you lift her fingerprint?
DEAN And that got you jack.
RUFUS Yep. She burnt them off. Probably years ago.
DEAN Yeah, so you’re right where we are.
RUFUS Nope. (DEAN looks at him funny) You do her ear?
DEAN Sorry?
RUFUS You do her ear?
DEAN Hey, man, I’ll try anything once, but I don’t know. That sounds uncomfortable.
RUFUS Ears are as unique to humans as fingerprints.
DEAN No kidding.
RUFUS Of course, that don’t fly in the courts over here, but in England, they’re all over it. A friend of a friend…of a friend faxed me 10 pages of confidential files within a day. All I had to send him was one clean shot off the security camera.
DEAN Right. One clean shot of her ear.
RUFUS (Handing Dean a folder) The so-called Bela Talbot.

The idea that Rufus knew of the Men of Letters and Bella was either connected or was a member makes my brain spin with geeky delight.

We are only two episodes in but the theories are already in full swing. What do you think is up with Lady Bevell?
