Rick and Morty Season 2 So Far

It has been over a year since we have gotten new episodes of Rick and Morty. First off if you have never seen this show, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Second, go on Hulu and binge watch it. It’s only 11 episodes, you can do it, I believe in you.

Ok, on to season 2! Sweet baby Jesus is it great! I’ll admit episode 2 was kind of weird in a creepy David Bowie sort of way but I’ll get into that in the episode breakdowns.  So far there are only 3 episodes out but if they are any indication of this season then we are in for another crazy, fucked up ride.  Lets get into the episodes; they are titled as follows and in order; A Rickie in Time, A Morty night Run and Auto Erotic Assimilation.

So our first episode, A Rickie in Time, picks up where season one ends with time frozen while Rick, Morty and Summer are cleaning up the damage from their galactic kegger from season one’s finale. Upon unfreezing time Rick tells them they have to be certain about everything they do, things get crazy when Morty and Summer question their relationship with Rick. This causes time to split into two; this is eventually fixed by the appearance of what looks like a floating testicle, yes a floating testicle, which is voiced by Keegan-Michael Peele. The testicle reveals he is a time enforcer and gives them collars to help stabilize time. Everything seems fine right? Wrong. The three are informed they are going to jail, Rick fights the floating testicle and again time is split into two. Eventually time is split so much they enter a Schrodinger’s cat universe that exists and doesn’t exist. Eventually Rick saves the day by fixing the collars. Overall this episode was a basic start to a second season, it continued where the old one left off, established a feel for the season.


Episode two however was just weird, I mean really weird. We start with Rick teaching Morty how to drive. Jerry, Morty’s dad, is along for the ride as well. I have never really been a fan of the character but as always Dan Harmon one of the shows creators brilliantly voices him. So here we have Jerry, Rick and Morty in space, Rick and Morty drop off Jerry at a Jerry daycare. Which is full of Jerry’s from other dimensions. This leads to Rick and Morty meeting up with an assassin who purchases a weapon from Rick that shoots anti-matter. Morty has a severe problem with this, which leads to his usual moral lament at Rick. This leads to Morty stealing the ship and eventually stopping the assassination of a being that names itself “Fart” after it reads Morty’s mind. This leads to Rick and Morty running from the law with Fart in tow. There are instances where Fart goes in to a weird, David Bowies like song which is sung by Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Concords fame. Every time he started to sing I just kept thinking of Flight of the Concords “Bowie”. Not sure if that’s what they wanted but it happened. Eventually they find a portal to send Fart back to his people, which leads to the reveal that Fart and his people are coming back to “cleanse” all carbon life forms from the universe. Now Morty is left with a choice, kill Fart or let him and his people come back to commit mass genocide that would make the Nazi’s jealous. Morty kills Fart and return with Rick to pick up Jerry. This episode was an ok second episode; I enjoyed it but didn’t really care about Jerry’s storyline that was just showing how much of a basic bitch he is.