Predictions Sure To Be Wrong: Who is Zoom?

by Bobby Doherty @thehorndogg

I predict that we find out Zoom is and always has been Barry’s Dad. What got me thinking was the photo bellow posted to our Facebook page by a listener. .ZoomBarrysDad

Here are 4 reasons I believe the picture.

1. Why would Reverse Flash only help release Barry’s Dad after his death:

Wells only did this after his death because that means he failed in the attempt to get home. He would want to make Barry’s life hell and releasing  Zoom would do that. It would also make Wells statement about ‘You’ll never be happy’ true. Barry is going to have to come to realization that he’s whole life as Flash means nothing because he did all that to free his biggest foe.

2. Zoom didn’t appear until Barry’s Dad was out of jail:

Zoom could have easily taken over Barry’s dad’s body just like Thane took over Earth-1 Wells’ Body. Plus we don’t know how long Garrick has been on Earth-1 same could go for Zoom. He could have been on Earth-1 for a long period of time without his speed-force. If what Wells (Earth-2) and Garrick say about Zoom is true about him being the most powerful speedster, he could have figured out the breaches and how to get his speed back faster then Garrick.

3. Zoom knows way too much about Barry:

Zoom used Linda(Dr. Light) from Earth-2 as a familiar face to defeat Barry. Why is this important to my theory? He dated Linda in a season 1 durning the drunk Caitlin episode early in season 1 and it didn’t go much further then that. A Earth-2 Zoom wouldn’t know anything about that relationship but a man that was in jail the whole time getting stories from Barry would.

4. Zoom displayed Barry to all his love ones after beating him:

At first I thought Zoom was just running him around to high visibility areas to show Flash off but after thinking about it Zoom was calculated in choosing his locations. He took him to the newspaper for Iris, the police station for Joe, and back to STAR labs for the rest of the team. Only someone that was close to Barry would know the locations of all Barry’s love ones.

To find out more of my thoughts on the show please tune into DC on CW where my co-hosts Ryan Denton, Angelica Dawn and I will review The Flash, Arrow and eventually Legends of Tomorrow. If you enjoy my writing come over to the show and listen. We are DC on CW

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