Flash Predictions Sure To Be Wrong: The Man in the Mask

by Bobby Doherty @thehorndogg

While in Earth 2 we ran into a man in a mask in a cell similar to Barry’s. Now the question on everyone mind is Who is the man in the Mask?.  The man in the mask is Earth-2 Jay Garrick and here’s why.

the-flash-iron-maskI believe Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon are twins.

The man has a mask on because he is to a speedster from Earth-2 and the mask stops him from phasing through the cell like Barry did in Escape from Earth-2. Now I believe Zoom being power hunger is holding his twin in the cell with the idea once Wells is able to extract the Speed Force from Earth-1 Barry they can use the same method to pull the Speed Force from his brother (Jay).

Now you maybe asking “Well who is the man saying he’s Jay Garrick?” It’s one of two people either Zoom is fast enough to do the speed mirage of being two places at once or its Jay Garrick from Earth-1. Now let me explain Both of those theories.

Zoom is fast enough to be in both places at once

This season we have seen Barry create a Speed Mirage to defeat Dr. Light and last season we saw Reverse-Flash (Wells) create one to be in two places at once. If both Barry and Wells can do it someone with Zoom’s powers and speed would be able to do it.

We have also never seen Zoom and Jay in a scene together all season. Now you are going to say we saw them fight, that was all flashbacks and story telling, we have not seen both together in Earth-1 all year. Then even in Escape from Earth-2 when Geomancer broke into STAR Labs Jay was ‘napping’. Maybe because he was busy being frozen by Killer Frost on Earth-2

Jay Garrick from Earth-1

Jay made a comment to Cisco before the team traveled to Earth-2 ‘Up is Down, Back is White’.

  • Cisco good on Earth-1 bad on Earth-2
  • Ronnie good on Earth-1 bad on Earth-2
  • Caitlin good on Earth-1 bad on Earth-2
  • Hunter Zolomon looked to be an upstanding Citizen on Earth-1 and He’s Zoom on Earth-2
  • Jay Garrick is known as the Flash on Earth-2 which one make him bad on Earth-1

I could continue with the opposite comparison between Earth-1 and Earth-2 but I think you get my drift

My theory is Zoom comes to Earth-1 finds his brother doppleganger, who is some kind of junkie and takes him to Earth-2. Jay goes to Wells who starts to develop the Velocity drug because ‘Jay lost his speed’.

Now this is all just speculation and if you want to hear more of my speculation on Flash you can catch me live every Thursday on RM001 through the Rain Man Digital App from 8:30-11:30 breaking down both Arrow and Flash or you can find all three shows on demand anytime on ITunes and Stitcher by searching for ‘DC on CW’.