Batwoman, Constantine and More Rumored for DC CW TV Universe


Batwoman, Constantine and More Rumored for DC CW TV Universe. At least that’s the word creeping ahead of this week’s main geek event SDCC. The rumors were originally leaked from Bleeding Cool, what was their source? Who knows, could be completely made up. I warn you that this is all very speculative with very few sources actually coming forward as of yet. Usually I don’t like to make posts that have zero citable sources but our DC listener and readership deserves to hear the possibilities from out site as well. It’s possible that some of these announcements will be made this week at Comic-Con.

“Constantine with Matt Ryan may get revived as part of the CW’s supernatural Friday asThe Vampire Diaries is ending, and The CW may want to go with Constantine to fill the horror gap.

Batwoman is said to be appearing in Supergirl with Kathy/Kate Kane being Maggie Sawyer’s ex, whose adventures as Batwoman occasionally take her to National City.

Oracle Barbara Gordon is also said to be coming to Supergirl (though apparently not as Batgirl) where she befriends Kara, and the Oracle/Batwoman relationship/plot is said to resemble Birds of Prey

The Flash‘s John Wesley Shipp is said to be another cross-series regular, probably as Jay Garrick (similar deal to Wentworth Miller and John Barrowman).” 

As I was saying, there seems to be a lot of assumptions with zero sources being cited, however this could prove to be a huge year for The CW.