#TrumpYourself: Clinton releases new picture filter tool to taunt Trump — and collect emails

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This just might be one of the most time relevant social savvy moves the Clinton campaign has managed to pull off. It’s all about the filter, right?

Hillary Clinton’s team released its newest digital campaign weapon aimed at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today with “Trump Yourself,” a single-serve website that stamps Snapchat-like filters on your face with Trump’s insults.

Trump is known for spewing out non-PC comments, so it was likely easy for Team Clinton to choose. “If you need Viagra, you’re probably with the wrong girl,” reads one filter, pulled from a 2004 Playboy interview with Trump. Another filter places the word “Fat Pig” on your face, in reference to his comments about Rosie O’Donnell. In total, there’s about 20 different filters.

This move shows the smarts behind Hillary’s campaign. Her team understands her demo and the modern techno trends that could lead the not-so politically inclined to the voting booths. The cleverness doesn’t stop there, it also requires logging in with your Facebook account. As in most things digital, this is all about the data. While the app doesn’t post to Facebook automatically, registering passes along the user’s email address to the Clinton campaign. Email remains a powerful tool for campaigns.

One point Hillary; your movie Donald.