From the Holodeck: Star Trek Discovery Edition – ‘Lethe’ Episode Breakdown

Star Trek Discovery Episode Breakdown ‘Lethe’

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing Star Trek Discovery.

This week Mike and Dave discuss and breakdown Star Trek Discovery 01×06 ‘Lethe’. In this week’s episode, the writers took the audience on a journey into Sarek’s mind.  Many Trek fans have grown up watching Sarek, but outside of a few instances, fans never really had more than couple intimate moments with the character. With Discovery pairing Burnham and Sarek, this is all about to change.

Additional Topics Discussed:

  • Is Star Trek no longer family friendly?
  • The VFX of Star Trek Discovery i.e. digital mattes, set extensions
  • Christian radical groups are upset with gay relationship

RELATED: They just dropped the F-bomb on Star Trek Discovery and it was perfect

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