‘Supernatural’ officially renewed for season 14

You can’t stop the signal – Supernatural renewed for another year!

The little show that could. Who would have thought way back in 2005 that this little show that premiered on the WB would still be going strong almost 14 years later.

There had been rumors for weeks now that the announcement would be coming soon and at last we can rest easy knowing that we have another year of laughs, tears and awesomeness.

The announcement came by way of Deadline along with a slew of other renewals, plus an extended programming schedule for The CW that now includes Sunday nights.

According to Deadline:

The CW again has given an early renewal to the bulk of its lineup, picking up all returning series on its fall schedule for the 2018-19 season as well as freshmen Dynasty and Black Lightning. The list includes all five DC series, The Flash (Season 5), Arrow (Season 7), Supergirl (Season 4) and Legends of Tomorrow (Season 4), joined by newcomer Black Lighting (Season 2) as well as the venerable Supernatural, picked up for a 14th season.

As The CW expands to a six-night, Sunday-through-Friday schedulenext season, we are proud to have such a deep bench of great returning series for 2018-19. By picking these ten series up for next season, we have a terrific selection of programming to choose from when we set our fall schedule in May, with more still to come,” said the CW president Mark Pedowitz.

We don’t know whether or not Supernatural will stay on Thursday nights but the show has proven that it can stand on its own no matter where it falls within The CW’s scheduled line-up.

For more news and discussions related to Supernatural – check out The Crossroads Podcast. 

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