From The Bacta Tank: Lando’s story will continue in Ep. IX, plus Thrawn: Alliances and more

Billy Dee Williams will return to the big screen as Lando

From the Bacta Tank is a fan broadcast designed for open discussions on the latest Star Wars news and rumors. Also, there is a special Star Wars Rebels Edition, where the hosts discuss and breakdown the current episodes of the hit television show from Disney XD and Lucasfilm. Additionally, the hosts offer special Patreon exclusive broadcast starting in June.



In this episode we discuss what Billy Dee Williams’ return could mean for Episode IX.

Additional topics: 

  • PO-ZU Star Wars footwear.
  • Thrawn: Alliances sees Padme’s return and draws connections to the prequel era.
  • Rumors suggest that Poe and Finn will be paired up in Episode 9.
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story DVD and Blu-ray details.
  • Mike and Dave talk about an Ahsoka special they have planned and more.

RELATED: Solo: A Star Wars Story – Review Redux. This is exclusively for our Patreon Subscribers

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