The cover for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story novelization has been revealed (SDCC 2018)

The Solo: A Star Wars Story novelization will have additional story content

Description: The story of the film, expanded to include scenes from alternate versions of the script and additional content, giving deeper insights into Han’s years in the Imperial Navy, Qi’ra’s past, and the beginnings of the Rebellion.

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Michael Siglain on what to expect from the Solo: A Star Wars Story novelization:

Much like what we did with The Last Jedi novelization, this expands the story that you’ve seen. There are additional scenes, deleted scenes, all these scenes, and we’re really happy with it.

According to a tweet from Star Wars Books (@delreystarwars):

This edition is expanded with new content including Qi’ra’s backstory, Han’s time in the Imperial Navy, and the beginnings of the Rebellion

Solo: Star Wars Story novelization will be on sale September 4, 2018.