Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – KotOR has arrived

The Fan Service is Strong with This One

Alright, where to begin. It would seem that Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is intent on becoming the greatest mobile game of all time and Capital Games refuses to let the funk of EA slow them down one bit. Honestly, it feels like they have one true purpose—to keep fans happy. They’ve figured out a strategy that many businesses fail to grasp, it’s about the customers. Keep them happy and they will keep coming back for more.

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As a kid, if you were a Star Wars fan, usually you wanted to be Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, or maybe even Darth Vader. Many times, video games have given us that escape, the opportunity to become our favorite heroes. In the early 80s though, when gaming was still relatively new, we had to use our imaginations as the graphics did not live up to what we saw on the silver screen.  As we have grown through the years, the strength of gaming consoles and PCs have grown with us. In today’s day and age our phones have become a source for just about any type of game you can think of. Ranging from the Vector graphics used on the original Star Wars Arcade cabinet to the Virtual Reality Jedi Trials game, where you can duel the likes of Darth Maul without having to go as far as your own room. However, one game has risen above most mobile games and has become the most successful game of its type.  I am talking about Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.



Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile collectible RPG developed by Capital Games and published by everyone’s favorite Electronic Arts.  It was initially launched in the US on November 24th, 2015, a little less than a month before the release of The Force Awakens. In the game itself you are able to collect and strengthen characters and ships from all eras and continuities of Star Wars. Some characters are harder to come by than others but that is half the fun and very satisfying when you finally unlock Darth Vader or Grand Master Yoda.

Earlier this year, the state of the game changed. The Sith Lords made their grand entrance, as the Sith Triumvirate Raid was brought in along with Darth Sion and Darth Traya to go with Darth Nihilus from KotoR II.  With this new raid came upgrades to Darth Vader and The Emperor. Ships have been given their own PVE quests, which allow for easier ship shard collection. The Bounty Hunters were finally given a much needed upgrade with their Synergy and the introduction of Bossk.  One of the bigger events that recently ended was the Solo: A Star Wars Story tie-in event. This added 7 new characters from the film and Lando’s Millennium Falcon. Most recently one of the bigger character upgrades was Grand Master Yoda, which was desperately needed.

Now, Capital Games will celebrate the 15 year anniversary of Knight of the Old Republic by adding additional beloved characters. So far, five new characters have been been announced. Jedi Padawan Bastilla Shan and Jedi Jolee Bindo have already arrived in game. The next phase of KotOR characters will include: Droid T3-M$, Twi’lek Mission Vao and Wookie Zaalbar.

Entertainment Earth

At some point I would like to believe Carth Onasi and the Ebon Hawk will be brought into the game. The speculation with these Old Republic characters being brought into the game is that at some point, one of the most popular characters in Star Wars history, Revan, will make his way into the game.  If he is to be brought into game as a playable hero, my bet would be the 3rd anniversary of Galaxy of Heroes itself.

Galaxy of Heroes is always changing and trying to give the fans what they want.  The ultimate in fan service as you get to see your favorite characters come to life.  My hope is one day we finally see Kyle Katarn or Mara Jade as Capital Games does not seem to be limited to canon only characters. Now, no game is without flaws and because EA is the one publishing it, you know there will always be micro-transactions within the game. Though don’t be fooled this game doesn’t punish you with being free to play, it just takes you longer to unlock the full potential of your Heroes.  All in all this game lives up to what it promises to do. Capital Games has created a solid game and is good about listening to the fans. Feel like giving it a shot? The game is available for both iOS and Android users.

Happy Gaming and may the Force be with you.

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