From the Holodeck: Star Trek Updates – The Picard Series Could Connect to the Kelvin Timeline, plus Section 31 Series

Picard series could connect to Kelvin films plus Section 31

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek.

This week Mike and Dave discuss the latest Star Trek news:

  • Rumors would suggest that the Kelvin movies are officially dead.
  • Star Trek Picard series could connect to the Kelvin movies – the concept of the series appears that it could align with the J.J. Abrams 2009 reboot timeline.
  • New Star Trek series starring Michelle Yeoh’s will be about Section 31.
  • In order for the Star Trek fandom to grow and thrive, CBS and the powers that be should consider releasing a Star Trek series on regular broadcast television.


RELATED: From the Holodeck: Star Trek Discovery Edition – 2.01 ‘Brother’ Episode Breakdown

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