Supernatural: The Crossroads – 14.16 ‘Don’t Go in the Woods’ Episode Discussion

The Crossroads Breakdown Supernatural 14.16

The Crossroads’ hosts discuss and breakdown Supernatural 14.16 ‘Don’t Go in the Woods’. Sam and Dean are baffled when they come up against a monster they have never heard of before; Jack does his best to impress a new group of friends.

For a complete breakdown and analysis, listen to the discussion below.

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1 comment on “Supernatural: The Crossroads – 14.16 ‘Don’t Go in the Woods’ Episode Discussion

  1. Emily says:

    I’ve wondered off and on over the last few years what kind of plot they could put into an SPN movie.. It would have to be big and world-changing enough to warrant us long-time fans seeing a point to it, but also simple enough for your Average Movie Go-er to follow with minimal backstory or explanation (because Hollywood thinks we’re a bunch of idiots, among other things).
    The only thing I’ve been able to come up with is an instance that exposes the supernatural world and the hunters policing it to the world overall – like what the Sherriff of “Don’t Go Into the Woods” suggested. This would be ‘big’ for fans who know the show’s habit for secrecy, and have a Ghostbusters-esque feel for newbies who won’t have/need 15 years’ worth of history to understand what’s going on.

    Couple this idea with the show ending next year, the rumor of a ‘fan favorite’ returning at the end of this season, and the Easter egg/soft reintroduction of the Ghostfacers in this ep – along with the Sherriff’s questions – I now wonder if the sudden turn from ‘we’re going on forever’ to ‘we’re ending next year’ might be because they’ve finally found a movie plot they’re confident will work.

    To wit: Townie Boy (whose name I haven’t bothered to learn yet) sends a letter/email about this guy with glowing eyes and weird abilities to the Ghostfacers, who are slowly trying to come back together after their separation in S8(? S9? Things have started blurring for me over the last few years). Ghostfacers respond by coming to Lebanon to investigate, and ultimately (accidently?) sweep Jack away for their doofus-level shenanigans – End S14.

    S15 opens to TFW alternately gobsmaked and eye-rolley at proto-Facers mucking up standard hunts, and eventually escalates to Something Happening on live TV, wherein a pair of serial killers who died a decade-ish ago Save the Day only to turn to the cameras and go, “Um . . . crap.”

    The movie kicks up shortly thereafter, giving a quick recap of immediate events as the world ‘loses its shit,’ as y’all put it, before launching into the ‘where do we go from here?’ storyline.

    Does that sound doable, or way too far-fetched?

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