From the Holodeck: Star Trek: Picard Edition – 1.3 ‘The End is the Beginning’ Breakdown

Star Trek: Picard ‘The End is the Beginning’

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek. 

This week Mike and Dave discuss the latest Star Trek: Picard 1.3 ‘The End is the Beginning’. 

  • Weed is now Star Trek canon…Woot!
  • Things move into place as the writers form what looks to be the beginning of a new crew; new faces, new reveals. 
  • A bigger mystery surrounds Data’s daughters. 
  • The new character Cristobal Rios was fantastic and the way they introduced him was an example of quick but purposeful character development. 
  • Michael Chabon continues to pull from more recent political headlines to craft the thematics. 
  • The episode was good but there were moments that felt like we needed more context. 
  • A discussion on the potential of creating too much mystery. 
  • and More.

This month’s featured item is Looney Labs Star Trek Chrono-Trek Card Game


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