From The Holodeck: Discovery Edition – 3.10 ‘Terra Firma PT. 2’ [Discussion]

Star Trek: Discovery – Discussion / Review

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek. 

This week Mike and Dave discuss Star Trek: Discovery 3.10 ‘Terra Firma PT. 2’.

Topics Discussed:

  • We said goodbye to Georgiou — to be perfectly honest, I was not expecting them to actually remove Georgiou from the series this season.
  • After two or three seasons, certain things can start to run stale, not be as interesting or just not as relevant as say a season prior.
  • A good showrunner may want to close out certain things. Just this season alone, Michelle Paradise has worked towards clearing away the old.
  • This season has been about pushing forward the larger story of Trek, but also closing out storylines.
  • On top of that, the way they handled Georgiou’s exit and overall development as a character was pretty stellar.
  • We talk about fate and destiny a lot on this show. Mostly because they are two components connected to various areas of philosophy and as we know, philosophy is what governs a lot of Trek.
  • They cleared up the difference between mirror universe and split timeline, by basically alluding to the fact that at some point the mirror universe was aligned to the prime universe.
  • So now it’s canon that the mirror universe is just essentially a split timeline.
  • And more.

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