Weird West Radio: ‘Django Kill… If You Live, Shoot!’ [Discussion/Review]

Discussion and analysis – An enigmatic and surreal cult classic Spaghetti Western, despite its incoherent plot and bizarre elements, manages to captivate with its allegorical themes, symbolic layers, and unsettling violence, making it a strangely compelling cinematic experience that sparks diverse interpretations and discussions

The Western fandom is vast and diverse and here at the nexus of all things weird, we will chat about anything Western-related. 

In this episode of Weird West Radio, the hosts discuss and breakdown Django Kill… If You Live, Shoot!, a 1967 Spaghetti Western film directed by Giulio Questi and starring Tomas Milian, Marilù Tolo, Roberto Camardiel, and Ray Lovelock in his film debut.

Synopsis: Various factions, including a half-breed bandit, a gang of homosexual cowboys, and a priest, feud over stolen gold in a surreal town.

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